By providing your scores, this helps us gauge what route is best for you. Some people have low scores but their credit needs minor adjustments. For example, you may only have 3 accounts reporting on your credit. All or most of youraccounts may be collections or charge offs. If the only things you havereporting on your credit are mostly negative items, this can make your scoreslow, 600s or less. Some have high scores but their credit report isn't strong andcould use a boost. For example, you may only have 1 or 2 accounts reporting on your credit. These accounts are in good standing and your scores might be high 600s or higher. Your scores are high because they don't have anythingnegative to bring it down. This is still considered a weak credit report aka GhostReport. You might find yourself getting denied or still needing a cosigner but don't understand why. Although your scores give us a general idea, we will still need to view your personal credit report in detail. You will be asked to provide log in details for Credit Karma and Experian.
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